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9 Tips for Extending the Lifespan of Your Air Conditioner

You have it within your own power to help ensure that your air conditioner can reach all the way to its intended useful lifespan. A combination of maintenance strategies and keeping your system from being overworked can help your AC work for longer than it otherwise would have. Many times by doing a great job of maintaining your system, you can put off a new AC purchase just a little longer, while you secure the finances to purchase a new unit.

1. Perform Routine And Preventative Maintenance

Your air conditioner will do well if you give it the annual checkups that it needs. These tune-ups are about much more than making sure that your system is running efficiently. When it comes to air conditioners, small problems can become much bigger ones in a hurry if they are not addressed promptly. All of a sudden, you find that a problem that started with a small part that could have easily been replaced has ended the useful life of your entire AC system. Accordingly, you should follow the manufacturer’s recommendation for preventative maintenance. While maintenance costs money, it is better to spend a little now than to have to invest in an entirely near air conditioner before you would have otherwise needed to replace it.

2. Give Your Air Conditioner Some Time Off

Your air conditioner is like other people or employees who would work for you. They will perform their best when they get an occasional break to rest and relax. This means that you can occasionally turn it off when you leave the house or not turn it all the way up when it is not necessary. You can supplement your air conditioner’s cooling efforts with the use of fans. Running your air conditioner constantly from May through September will hasten its demise. Try to strategically figure out when you can give your AC a breather every now and then.

3. Switch To A Smart Thermostat

This is the best way of giving your air conditioner a rest and still making sure that you walk into a cool home when you return from a day of work. Smart thermostats will automatically turn your system off and on based on your preprogrammed inputs, allowing your air conditioner to be off when you do not need it. If you figure that an air conditioner has a limited amount of time that it can run in its useful life, the smart thermostat will prolong its life by rationing the time that you do run the AC. Not only will this save you money on your utility bill, but it will also prolong the life of your system. Your air conditioner would not be forced to work as hard during the busy summer season.

4. Get Professional Service For Repairs

Fixing your air conditioner when something is wrong is not something that should be a DIY job. There are complicated parts on your system that someone needs specialty training to diagnose and fix. Moreover, when you are fiddling with your air conditioner, you can end up making the problem worse. Not only should you get professional service for your air conditioner, but you should make sure that technicians have the proper certification before they do anything to your air conditioner. This would mean that they know the right parts to use that would extend the useful life of your system.

5. Change The Air Filters Frequently

As you have seen, one of the things that we keep stressing is the need to reduce the strain on your air conditioner. When you are operating it with a clogged and dirty air filter, your system becomes much less efficient. Inefficiency is another way of saying that your air conditioner needs to work much harder to achieve the same result. Dust and debris can really do a number on your air conditioner.

Changing the air filters extends the useful life of your system by keeping it clean and making sure that your air conditioner can run under ideal conditions. You may even need to change the filter more than one time in a season between professional tune-ups and service.

6. Clean The Outdoor Part Of The Unit Often

Weeds and other debris can get inside the part of your air conditioner that is exposed to the elements. Beyond being an aesthetic mess, these things can choke and clog your air conditioner. The area around your air conditioner should also be clear of grass, leaves and any kind of junk. While this seems like a simple thing to do on your own, it is safest to hire a professional to do this for you, every so often. They will make sure not to damage any of the lines running to your air conditioner. Cleaning the outdoor part of the unit can also include making sure that the air conditioner sits level so water does not pool around it when it rains.

7. Take Care Of Your Ducts

Another thing that could put a strain on your air conditioner is when you lose efficiency because of leaky ducts in your home. You can lose up to 40% of your air when it escapes from these leaky ducts. This gives your AC one more hill to climb during the busy summer season. The way to help stop this is to do the necessary ductwork in your home. This includes insulating and sealing your ducts to keep the air from escaping. Ductwork will cut some of the burdens that your AC carries during the summer and will increase its efficiency. The more efficient your AC, the longer its lifespan.

8. Keep The Vents Free And Clear

Many of the points explained talk about clearing things that could be a blockage for your AC system. Another chokepoint that can keep your AC from working well and could cause it to break down is clogged vents. This traps the air in the ducts and causes your AC to strain in order to push the air out through blocked vents. Not only should you routinely hire a professional to clean your vents, but you should also make sure that the area around the vents is free of any kind of debris that could get in the way of your air conditioner doing its job.

9. Manage Your Other Electricity Use

While you may wonder how unused computer screens and other electronics impact your AC’s life, you need to understand how these units give off their own heat in your home. This forces you to keep the air conditioning down even cooler to compensate for the effect that these electronics have. You can take various steps to stop heating up your home during peak times such as running your dryer at night. This will keep your home at a lower baseline temperature and will reduce the strain on your AC to cool your home.

Champion Air can help you with all of your heating and cooling needs in Phoenix, AZ, including improving your indoor air quality with an audit and trusted solutions. Call us today to find out how we can help you! We look forward to serving all of your home comfort needs.

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